March 2023 Mary Fischer
March 1, 2023
How long have you been a member of the OceanFirst Bank team? I will celebrate 15 years in March. What role do you play on the Bank Team? I am the Branch Manager of the Mays Landing location.
What has been your favorite volunteer activity - and why? I really enjoyed our CommUNITY First Day but the activity that meant even more to me was volunteering for a Special Olympics event. My granddaughter is Autistic and she is an amazing blessing to all of us. Her smile and laugh are incredible. Since she was very young, her Dad has enrolled her in various local sports events and activities that are offered for children with special needs. She has loved every single one of the events she has participated in so I was very excited to see an opportunity involving Special Olympics. The joy on my granddaughter's face was my inspiration.
What has volunteering taught you? Volunteering in any activity is always rewarding but Volunteering with Special Olympics was humbling and overwhelming. The event I helped with was a Volleyball tournament. Every single player encouraged each other and they all celebrated when someone did well. Genuine joy and delight in each other's success and no one was upset if anyone made a mistake. Mistakes were met with kindness and words of comfort. When someone on one of the teams fell down, the first to rush to help was someone from the opposing team. How great our world could be if we all treated each other this way.
If you could pick a superpower, what would it be? I would like to be invisible. Imagine the pranks you could pull.
If you could turn into an animal, what would it be? A Cardinal.
If you had one day left to live, how would you spend it? Hugging my family and friends and making sure they all knew how much I love them.
What did you want to be when you were a kid? A Nun. My middle name is Theresa so I always told my parents I would not even have to change my name since I have the perfect Nun name. Sister Mary Theresa.
Are you a morning person or a night owl? Both.
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