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February 2023 Jeff Muller

How long have you been a member of the OceanFirst Bank team? What role do you play on the Bank Team? I have been with OceanFirst Bank for almost 10 years.  I started at the bank on 6/28/2013 in the Accounting Department and in 2022 started in a new position within the Loan Operations Department.

What has been your favorite volunteer activity – and why? I am involved with The Hope Center, a not-for-profit in Toms River that runs a food pantry, provides rental and utility assistance as well as being a liaison with federal and local social services.  I enjoy both the administrative and client services side of work that I do for The Hope Center.  At the end of December, The Hope Center coordinates an event called “Star Light, Star Bright”.  During this event, The Hope Center provides clients an opportunity to pick out clothing, toys and gifts for their families.  Over the past 3 years OceanFirst employees have supported “Star Light, Star Bright” by donating toys and clothes.  This has been a rewarding opportunity to connect The Hope Center and OceanFirst to give back to the community. This event helps many to experience the joy of the holiday season.

What has volunteering taught you? Volunteering has taught me compassion and respect for others.  I have also learned the importance of giving back to the community.   

What was the last book you read? Toms River: A Story of Science and Salvation by Dan Fagin

What is your favorite quote? “A person should never neglect their family for business” Walt Disney

Do you sing in the shower? In the car 

What is the last TV show you binged and what review would you give it? Yellowstone  It is a great show! It makes me want to move out to Montana, but I would miss the ocean too much. 

Are you a morning person or a night owl? Night owl

What was the last thing that made you laugh? The movie Goonies

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