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February 2022 Kathy Pongracz

How long have you been a member of the OceanFirst Bank team? What role do you play on the Bank Team? 34 years - Trust Operation’s Officer - Trust and Asset Management Department.   

What has been your favorite volunteer activity – and why?  I love the beach clean-up, but I would have to say working with Holiday Express is my favorite.  Seeing the smile on the faces of these children and adults makes me feel like I am giving them the wish of a lifetime.  

What has volunteering taught you?  There is no greater feeling than knowing that I alone can make a difference in the lives of others.  It gives me a sense of purpose and is humbling. 

Are you a traveler or a homebody? I am a traveler.

Do you sing in the shower? In the car?  In the car where no one can hear me.

If you could be a kitchen utensil, what would be and why? I am a whisk because I am always running around in circles.  If I had my choice though I would be a cake frosting spreader because it requires patience.

What is the last TV show you binged and what review would you give it? Emily in Paris – I love romantic comedies.  They always make me feel good. This show had a little bit of everything.  Unsure if there will be another season, but I do hope so.  

Are you a morning person or a night owl? A morning person.


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