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March 2025 Rose Ivie

BPM-011_WaveMaker 750x500 rIvie
Congratulations to our March 2025 WaveMaker of the Month!

How long have you been a member of the OceanFirst Bank team? What 
role do you play on the Bank Team? 13 years, Area Operations Manager

What has been your favorite volunteer activity – and why? PAL Trunk or Treat- It was such a pleasure having the opportunity to make a positive impact in the community by being able support the children and handing out coats, hats and treats.

What has volunteering taught you? Volunteering has built a sense of community for me and contributing to something bigger than myself.

If you could pick a superpower, what would it be? To Fly

If you had one day left to live, how would you spend it? With my family

What is your favorite quote? Small actions make a big difference.

Are you a traveler or a homebody? Traveler, but I would love to travel more.

Do you sing in the shower? In the car? I sing in my car, so no one hears me.


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